If you are looking to join a reunion group, please contact either your walk's Weekend Lay-Director for additional information.
If you are looking to start a reunion group, or you are new to the community, please contact the Community Lay-Director at CLD@TidewaterEmmaus.org
The following Reunion Groups are open...
Golden Corral at 400 S Independence Blvd, Virginia Beach
meets at 8am on the 2nd Wed of every month
men's group
contact Michael Lowder 757-647-5246
Hickory UMC
meets at 7:00pm on second and Fourth Tuesday of every month
women's group
contact Cheryl Best 757-358-2378
Angies Restaurant at 335C S Centerville Turnpike, Chesapeake
meets at 7am every Saturday
men's group
contact Stan Best 757-546-1818/757-358-5521
Angies Restaurant at 335C S Centerville Turnpike, Chesapeake
meets at 7am every Saturday
women's group
contact Penny Best 757-321-7547
Ihop Kempsville
meets at 6am every Friday
men's group
contact JP Forehand 757-641-3125
Reunion Groups are an essential means of continuing to stay connected