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Serving as a sponsor is more than getting people to come on the walk.

As you continue to pray for those who God placed on your heart, listen to the Lord and then be His hands and feet.  Then be prepared to take on the responsibilities necessary to sponsor:



  1. Fill out the online Sponsors Form

  2. Attend a Sponsorship Training event

  3. Pray and enlist prayer support from family, friends and their pastor

  4. Invite your pilgrim to Emmaus, share your experience and ask them to fill out their Walk Application

  5. Help with specific agape before their Walk to Emmaus weekend

  6. Answer any questions or concerns that your pilgrim and/or their spouse or significant other may have

  7. Bring your Pilgrim to weekend site on time



  1. Thursday evening Send-off- pilgrim must arrive between 6.00 - 6.30pm. Attend Sponsors-Hour @ 7.30pm  

  2. Saturday evening Gathering, between 7.00 - 7.30pm

  3. Sunday Closing at 4.00pm, but arrive no earlier than 3.00pm

  4. Pick-up their luggage and attend closing


Be Available During the Walk Weekend:

  1. Be in prayer for them and their families

  2. Collect at least 12 agape letters that you will bring the evening you drop them off

  3. Attend to the needs of the Pilgrim’s family during the weekend

  4. Take our new member home


Be Available After the Walk & Help with Fourth Day + Next Steps:

Encourage and assist them with:

  1. Staying in contact with your pilgrim

  2. Setting up an appointment with their pastor

  3. Getting more involved in their church or fellowship groups

  4. Getting involved in a reunion group

  5. Accompany our new member to Day of Deeper Understanding (DODU) and their first Gathering

  6. Sponsoring someone or serving on a future Emmaus or Chrysalis weekend



​Remember, the Emmaus Walk is for building up Christian leaders. Pray for their hearts to hear God’s calling for them to attend the walk. Make sure they are healthy enough to attend.


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